Legion Runtime
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Legion::FutureFunctor Class Referenceabstract

#include <legion.h>

Public Member Functions

virtual const void * callback_get_future (size_t &size, bool &owned, const Realm::ExternalInstanceResource *&resource, void(*&freefunc)(const Realm::ExternalInstanceResource &), const void *&metadata, size_t &metasize)=0
virtual void callback_release_future (void)=0

Detailed Description

A future functor object provides a callback interface for applications that wants to serialize data for a future only when it is absolutely necessary. Tasks can return a pointer to an object that implements the future functor interface. Legion will then perform callbacks if/when it becomes necessary to serialize the future data. If serialization is necessary then Legion will perform two callbacks: first to get the future size and then a second one with a buffer of that size in which to pack the data. Finally, when the future is reclaimed, then Legion will perform a callback to release the future functor from its duties.

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