Legion Runtime
This is the complete list of members for Legion::Runtime, including all inherited members.
acquire_grant(Context ctx, const std::vector< LockRequest > &requests) | Legion::Runtime | |
add_mapper(MapperID map_id, Mapping::Mapper *mapper, Processor proc=Processor::NO_PROC) | Legion::Runtime | |
add_registration_callback(RegistrationCallbackFnptr callback, bool dedup=true, size_t dedup_tag=0) | Legion::Runtime | static |
add_registration_callback(RegistrationWithArgsCallbackFnptr callback, const UntypedBuffer &buffer, bool dedup=true, size_t dedup_tag=0) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | static |
advance_dynamic_collective(Context ctx, DynamicCollective dc) | Legion::Runtime | |
advance_phase_barrier(Context ctx, PhaseBarrier pb) | Legion::Runtime | |
arrive_dynamic_collective(Context ctx, DynamicCollective dc, const void *buffer, size_t size, unsigned count=1) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_external_resource(Context ctx, const AttachLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_external_resources(Context ctx, const IndexAttachLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_file(Context ctx, const char *file_name, LogicalRegion handle, LogicalRegion parent, const std::vector< FieldID > &field_vec, LegionFileMode mode) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_hdf5(Context ctx, const char *file_name, LogicalRegion handle, LogicalRegion parent, const std::map< FieldID, const char * > &field_map, LegionFileMode mode) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_name(TaskID task_id, const char *name, bool is_mutable=false, bool local_only=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_name(IndexSpace handle, const char *name, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_name(IndexPartition handle, const char *name, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_name(FieldSpace handle, const char *name, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_name(FieldSpace handle, FieldID fid, const char *name, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_name(LogicalRegion handle, const char *name, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_name(LogicalPartition handle, const char *name, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_semantic_information(TaskID task_id, SemanticTag tag, const void *buffer, size_t size, bool is_mutable=false, bool local_only=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_semantic_information(IndexSpace handle, SemanticTag tag, const void *buffer, size_t size, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_semantic_information(IndexPartition handle, SemanticTag tag, const void *buffer, size_t size, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_semantic_information(FieldSpace handle, SemanticTag tag, const void *buffer, size_t size, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_semantic_information(FieldSpace handle, FieldID fid, SemanticTag tag, const void *buffer, size_t size, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_semantic_information(LogicalRegion handle, SemanticTag tag, const void *buffer, size_t size, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
attach_semantic_information(LogicalPartition handle, SemanticTag tag, const void *buffer, size_t size, bool is_mutable=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
begin_implicit_task(TaskID top_task_id, MapperID mapper_id, Processor::Kind proc_kind, const char *task_name=NULL, bool control_replicable=false, unsigned shard_per_address_space=1, int shard_id=-1, DomainPoint shard_point=DomainPoint()) | Legion::Runtime | |
begin_mapper_call(Context ctx, MapperID id, Processor target=Processor::NO_PROC) | Legion::Runtime | |
begin_static_trace(Context ctx, const std::set< RegionTreeID > *managed=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
begin_trace(Context ctx, TraceID tid, bool logical_only=false, bool static_trace=false, const std::set< RegionTreeID > *managed=NULL, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
bind_implicit_task_to_external_thread(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
complete_frame(Context ctx, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
concurrent_task_barrier(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
configure_MPI_interoperability(int rank) | Legion::Runtime | static |
consensus_match(Context ctx, const void *input, void *output, size_t num_elements, size_t element_size, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
construct_future_map(Context ctx, IndexSpace domain, const std::map< DomainPoint, UntypedBuffer > &data, bool collective=false, ShardingID sid=0, bool implicit_sharding=false, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
construct_future_map(Context ctx, const Domain &domain, const std::map< DomainPoint, UntypedBuffer > &data, bool collective=false, ShardingID sid=0, bool implicit_sharding=false) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
construct_future_map(Context ctx, IndexSpace domain, const std::map< DomainPoint, Future > &futures, bool collective=false, ShardingID sid=0, bool implicit_sharding=false, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
construct_future_map(Context ctx, const Domain &domain, const std::map< DomainPoint, Future > &futures, bool collective=false, ShardingID sid=0, bool implicit_sharding=false) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_argument_map(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_association(Context ctx, LogicalRegion domain, LogicalRegion domain_parent, FieldID domain_fid, IndexSpace range, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_association(Context ctx, LogicalRegionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > domain, LogicalRegionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > domain_parent, FieldID domain_fid, IndexSpaceT< DIM2, COORD_T2 > range, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_bidirectional_association(Context ctx, LogicalRegion domain, LogicalRegion domain_parent, FieldID domain_fid, LogicalRegion range, LogicalRegion range_parent, FieldID range_fid, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_bidirectional_association(Context ctx, LogicalRegionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > domain, LogicalRegionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > domain_parent, FieldID domain_fid, LogicalRegionT< DIM2, COORD_T2 > range, LogicalRegionT< DIM2, COORD_T2 > range_parent, FieldID range_fid, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_cross_product_partitions(Context ctx, IndexPartition handle1, IndexPartition handle2, std::map< IndexSpace, IndexPartition > &handles, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_cross_product_partitions(Context ctx, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle1, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle2, typename std::map< IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T >, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > > &handles, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_dynamic_collective(Context ctx, unsigned arrivals, ReductionOpID redop, const void *init_value, size_t init_size) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_equal_partition(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, IndexSpace color_space, size_t granularity=1, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_equal_partition(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, size_t granularity=1, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_external_handshake(bool init_in_ext=true, int ext_participants=1, int legion_participants=1) | Legion::Runtime | static |
create_field_allocator(Context ctx, FieldSpace handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_field_space(Context ctx, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_field_space(Context ctx, const std::vector< size_t > &field_sizes, std::vector< FieldID > &resulting_fields, CustomSerdezID serdez_id=0, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_field_space(Context ctx, const std::vector< Future > &field_sizes, std::vector< FieldID > &resulting_fields, CustomSerdezID serdez_id=0, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_handshake(bool init_in_MPI=true, int mpi_participants=1, int legion_participants=1) | Legion::Runtime | static |
create_index_space(Context ctx, const Domain &bounds, TypeTag type_tag=0, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space(Context ctx, const Rect< DIM, COORD_T > &bounds, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space(Context ctx, const DomainT< DIM, COORD_T > &bounds, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space(Context ctx, size_t dimensions, const Future &f, TypeTag type_tag=0, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space(Context ctx, const Future &f, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space(Context ctx, const std::vector< DomainPoint > &points, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space(Context ctx, const std::vector< Point< DIM, COORD_T > > &points, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space(Context ctx, const std::vector< Domain > &rects, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space(Context ctx, const std::vector< Rect< DIM, COORD_T > > &rects, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space(Context ctx, size_t max_num_elmts) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space(Context ctx, const std::set< Domain > &domains) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space_difference(Context ctx, IndexPartition parent, const DomainPoint &color, IndexSpace initial, const std::vector< IndexSpace > &handles, const char *provenancne=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space_difference(Context ctx, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > initial, const typename std::vector< IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > > &handles, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space_intersection(Context ctx, IndexPartition parent, const DomainPoint &color, const std::vector< IndexSpace > &handles, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space_intersection(Context ctx, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color, const typename std::vector< IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > > &handles, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space_intersection(Context ctx, IndexPartition parent, const DomainPoint &color, IndexPartition handle, const char *provenannce=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space_intersection(Context ctx, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space_union(Context ctx, IndexPartition parent, const DomainPoint &color, const std::vector< IndexSpace > &handles, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space_union(Context ctx, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color, const typename std::vector< IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > > &handles, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space_union(Context ctx, IndexPartition parent, const DomainPoint &color, IndexPartition handle, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_index_space_union(Context ctx, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_lock(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_logical_region(Context ctx, IndexSpace index, FieldSpace fields, bool task_local=false, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_logical_region(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > index, FieldSpace fields, bool task_local=false, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_blockify(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, DomainPoint blocking_factor, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_blockify(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Point< DIM, COORD_T > blocking_factor, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_blockify(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, DomainPoint blockify_factor, DomainPoint origin, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_blockify(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Point< DIM, COORD_T > blocking_factor, Point< DIM, COORD_T > origin, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_difference(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, IndexPartition handle1, IndexPartition handle2, IndexSpace color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_difference(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle1, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle2, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_domain(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, const std::map< DomainPoint, Domain > &domains, IndexSpace color_space, bool perform_intersections=true, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_domain(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, const std::map< Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T >, DomainT< DIM, COORD_T > > &domains, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, bool perform_intersections=true, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_domain(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, const FutureMap &domain_future_map, IndexSpace color_space, bool perform_intersections=true, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_domain(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, const FutureMap &domain_future_map, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, bool perform_intersections=true, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_field(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle, LogicalRegion parent, FieldID fid, IndexSpace color_space, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_DISJOINT_KIND, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_field(Context ctx, LogicalRegionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle, LogicalRegionT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, FieldID fid, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_DISJOINT_KIND, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_image(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle, LogicalPartition projection, LogicalRegion parent, FieldID fid, IndexSpace color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_image(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM2, COORD_T2 > handle, LogicalPartitionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > projection, LogicalRegionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > parent, FieldID fid, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_image_range(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle, LogicalPartition projection, LogicalRegion parent, FieldID fid, IndexSpace color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_image_range(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM2, COORD_T2 > handle, LogicalPartitionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > projection, LogicalRegionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > parent, FieldID fid, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_intersection(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, IndexPartition handle1, IndexPartition handle2, IndexSpace color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_intersection(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle1, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle2, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_intersection(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, IndexPartition partition, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, bool dominates=false, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_intersection(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > partition, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, bool dominates=false, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_preimage(Context ctx, IndexPartition projection, LogicalRegion handle, LogicalRegion parent, FieldID fid, IndexSpace color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_preimage(Context ctx, IndexPartitionT< DIM2, COORD_T2 > projection, LogicalRegionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > handle, LogicalRegionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > parent, FieldID fid, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_preimage_range(Context ctx, IndexPartition projection, LogicalRegion handle, LogicalRegion parent, FieldID fid, IndexSpace color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_preimage_range(Context ctx, IndexPartitionT< DIM2, COORD_T2 > projection, LogicalRegionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > handle, LogicalRegionT< DIM1, COORD_T1 > parent, FieldID fid, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, UntypedBuffer map_arg=UntypedBuffer(), const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_rectangles(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, const std::map< Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T >, std::vector< Rect< DIM, COORD_T > > > &rectangles, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, bool perform_intersections=true, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL, bool collective=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_restriction(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, IndexSpace color_space, DomainTransform transform, Domain extent, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_restriction(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COORD_T > color_space, Transform< DIM, COLOR_DIM, COORD_T > transform, Rect< DIM, COORD_T > extent, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_union(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, IndexPartition handle1, IndexPartition handle2, IndexSpace color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_union(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle1, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle2, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_weights(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, const std::map< DomainPoint, int > &weights, IndexSpace color_space, size_t granularity=1, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_weights(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, const std::map< Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T >, int > &weights, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, size_t granularity=1, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_weights(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, const std::map< DomainPoint, size_t > &weights, IndexSpace color_space, size_t granularity=1, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_weights(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, const std::map< Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T >, size_t > &weights, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, size_t granularity=1, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_weights(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, const FutureMap &weights, IndexSpace color_space, size_t granularity=1, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_partition_by_weights(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, const FutureMap &weights, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, size_t granularity=1, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_pending_partition(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, IndexSpace color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_pending_partition(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, IndexSpaceT< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color_space, PartitionKind part_kind=LEGION_COMPUTE_KIND, Color color=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_phase_barrier(Context ctx, unsigned arrivals) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_predicate(Context ctx, const Future &f, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_predicate(Context ctx, const PredicateLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_shared_ownership(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_shared_ownership(Context ctx, IndexPartition handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_shared_ownership(Context ctx, FieldSpace handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
create_shared_ownership(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
defer_dynamic_collective_arrival(Context ctx, DynamicCollective dc, const Future &f, unsigned count=1) | Legion::Runtime | |
destroy_dynamic_collective(Context ctx, DynamicCollective dc) | Legion::Runtime | |
destroy_field_space(Context ctx, FieldSpace handle, const bool unordered=false, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
destroy_index_partition(Context ctx, IndexPartition handle, const bool unordered=false, const bool recurse=true, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
destroy_index_space(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle, const bool unordered=false, const bool recurse=true, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
destroy_lock(Context ctx, Lock l) | Legion::Runtime | |
destroy_logical_partition(Context ctx, LogicalPartition handle, const bool unordered=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
destroy_logical_region(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle, const bool unordered=false, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
destroy_phase_barrier(Context ctx, PhaseBarrier pb) | Legion::Runtime | |
detach_external_resource(Context ctx, PhysicalRegion region, const bool flush=true, const bool unordered=false, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
detach_external_resources(Context ctx, ExternalResources external, const bool flush=true, const bool unordered=false, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
detach_file(Context ctx, PhysicalRegion region) | Legion::Runtime | |
detach_hdf5(Context ctx, PhysicalRegion region) | Legion::Runtime | |
disable_profiling(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
discard_fields(Context ctx, const DiscardLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
dump_profiling(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
enable_profiling(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
end_mapper_call(Mapping::MapperContext ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
end_static_trace(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
end_trace(Context ctx, TraceID tid, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
execute_index_space(Context ctx, const IndexTaskLauncher &launcher, std::vector< OutputRequirement > *outputs=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
execute_index_space(Context ctx, const IndexTaskLauncher &launcher, ReductionOpID redop, bool ordered=true, std::vector< OutputRequirement > *outputs=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
execute_index_space(Context ctx, TaskID task_id, const Domain domain, const std::vector< IndexSpaceRequirement > &indexes, const std::vector< FieldSpaceRequirement > &fields, const std::vector< RegionRequirement > ®ions, const UntypedBuffer &global_arg, const ArgumentMap &arg_map, const Predicate &predicate=Predicate::TRUE_PRED, bool must_paralleism=false, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0) | Legion::Runtime | |
execute_index_space(Context ctx, TaskID task_id, const Domain domain, const std::vector< IndexSpaceRequirement > &indexes, const std::vector< FieldSpaceRequirement > &fields, const std::vector< RegionRequirement > ®ions, const UntypedBuffer &global_arg, const ArgumentMap &arg_map, ReductionOpID reduction, const UntypedBuffer &initial_value, const Predicate &predicate=Predicate::TRUE_PRED, bool must_parallelism=false, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0) | Legion::Runtime | |
execute_must_epoch(Context ctx, const MustEpochLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
execute_task(Context ctx, const TaskLauncher &launcher, std::vector< OutputRequirement > *outputs=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
execute_task(Context ctx, TaskID task_id, const std::vector< IndexSpaceRequirement > &indexes, const std::vector< FieldSpaceRequirement > &fields, const std::vector< RegionRequirement > ®ions, const UntypedBuffer &arg, const Predicate &predicate=Predicate::TRUE_PRED, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0) | Legion::Runtime | |
fill_field(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle, LogicalRegion parent, FieldID fid, const T &value, Predicate pred=Predicate::TRUE_PRED) | Legion::Runtime | |
fill_field(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle, LogicalRegion parent, FieldID fid, const void *value, size_t value_size, Predicate pred=Predicate::TRUE_PRED) | Legion::Runtime | |
fill_field(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle, LogicalRegion parent, FieldID fid, Future f, Predicate pred=Predicate::TRUE_PRED) | Legion::Runtime | |
fill_fields(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle, LogicalRegion parent, const std::set< FieldID > &fields, const T &value, Predicate pred=Predicate::TRUE_PRED) | Legion::Runtime | |
fill_fields(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle, LogicalRegion parent, const std::set< FieldID > &fields, const void *value, size_t value_size, Predicate pred=Predicate::TRUE_PRED) | Legion::Runtime | |
fill_fields(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle, LogicalRegion parent, const std::set< FieldID > &fields, Future f, Predicate pred=Predicate::TRUE_PRED) | Legion::Runtime | |
fill_fields(Context ctx, const FillLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
fill_fields(Context ctx, const IndexFillLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
find_forward_MPI_mapping(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
find_local_MPI_rank(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
find_reverse_MPI_mapping(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
finish_implicit_task(Context ctx, Realm::Event effects=Realm::Event::NO_EVENT) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_dynamic_mapper_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_dynamic_projection_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_dynamic_reduction_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_dynamic_serdez_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_dynamic_sharding_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_dynamic_task_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_dynamic_trace_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_library_mapper_ids(const char *name, size_t count) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_library_projection_ids(const char *name, size_t count) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_library_reduction_ids(const char *name, size_t count) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_library_serdez_ids(const char *name, size_t count) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_library_sharding_ids(const char *name, size_t count) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_library_task_ids(const char *name, size_t count) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_library_trace_ids(const char *name, size_t count) | Legion::Runtime | |
generate_static_mapper_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
generate_static_projection_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
generate_static_reduction_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
generate_static_serdez_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
generate_static_sharding_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
generate_static_task_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
generate_static_trace_id(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
get_context(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
get_context_task(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | static |
get_current_task(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_current_time(Context ctx, Future precondition=Future()) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_current_time_in_microseconds(Context ctx, Future precondition=Future()) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_current_time_in_nanoseconds(Context ctx, Future precondition=Future()) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_dynamic_collective_result(Context ctx, DynamicCollective dc, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_executing_processor(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_field_size(Context ctx, FieldSpace handle, FieldID fid) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_field_size(FieldSpace handle, FieldID fid) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_field_space_fields(Context ctx, FieldSpace handle, std::vector< FieldID > &fields) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_field_space_fields(FieldSpace handle, std::vector< FieldID > &fields) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_field_space_fields(Context ctx, FieldSpace handle, std::set< FieldID > &fields) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_field_space_fields(FieldSpace handle, std::set< FieldID > &fields) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, Color color) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, const DomainPoint &color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition(IndexSpace parent, Color color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition(IndexSpace parent, const DomainPoint &color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition(IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Color color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_color(Context ctx, IndexPartition handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_color(IndexPartition handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_color_point(Context ctx, IndexPartition handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_color_point(IndexPartition handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_color_space(Context ctx, IndexPartition p) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_color_space(IndexPartition p) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_color_space(IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > p) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_color_space_name(Context ctx, IndexPartition p) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_color_space_name(IndexPartition p) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_color_space_name(IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > p) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_depth(Context ctx, IndexPartition handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_partition_depth(IndexPartition handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_color(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_color(IndexSpace handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_color(IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_color_point(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_color_point(IndexSpace handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_depth(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_depth(IndexSpace handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_domain(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_domain(IndexSpace handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_domain(IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_domains(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle, std::vector< Domain > &domains) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_domains(IndexSpace handle, std::vector< Domain > &domains) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_partition_colors(Context ctx, IndexSpace sp, std::set< Color > &colors) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_partition_colors(Context ctx, IndexSpace sp, std::set< DomainPoint > &colors) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_partition_colors(IndexSpace sp, std::set< Color > &colors) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_space_partition_colors(IndexSpace sp, std::set< DomainPoint > &colors) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_subspace(Context ctx, IndexPartition p, Color color) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_subspace(Context ctx, IndexPartition p, const DomainPoint &color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_subspace(IndexPartition p, Color color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_subspace(IndexPartition p, const DomainPoint &color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_index_subspace(IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > p, Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_input_args(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
get_layout_constraint_field_space(LayoutConstraintID layout_id) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_layout_constraints(LayoutConstraintID layout_id, LayoutConstraintSet &layout_constraints) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_layout_constraints_name(LayoutConstraintID layout_id) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_legion_version(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
get_local_task(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_local_task_variable(Context ctx, LocalVariableID id) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_local_task_variable_untyped(Context ctx, LocalVariableID id) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition(Context ctx, LogicalRegion parent, IndexPartition handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition(LogicalRegion parent, IndexPartition handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition(LogicalRegionT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_by_color(Context ctx, LogicalRegion parent, Color c) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_by_color(Context ctx, LogicalRegion parent, const DomainPoint &c) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_by_color(LogicalRegion parent, Color c) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_by_color(LogicalRegion parent, const DomainPoint &c) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_by_color(LogicalRegionT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Color c) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_by_tree(Context ctx, IndexPartition handle, FieldSpace fspace, RegionTreeID tid) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_by_tree(IndexPartition handle, FieldSpace fspace, RegionTreeID tid) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_by_tree(IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle, FieldSpace fspace, RegionTreeID tid) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_color(Context ctx, LogicalPartition handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_color(LogicalPartition handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_color_point(Context ctx, LogicalPartition handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_partition_color_point(LogicalPartition handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_region_color(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_region_color(LogicalRegion handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_region_color_point(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_region_color_point(LogicalRegion handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_region_color_point(LogicalRegionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_subregion(Context ctx, LogicalPartition parent, IndexSpace handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_subregion(LogicalPartition parent, IndexSpace handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_subregion(LogicalPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_subregion_by_color(Context ctx, LogicalPartition parent, Color c) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_subregion_by_color(Context ctx, LogicalPartition parent, const DomainPoint &c) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_subregion_by_color(LogicalPartition parent, Color c) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_subregion_by_color(LogicalPartition parent, const DomainPoint &c) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_subregion_by_color(LogicalPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_subregion_by_tree(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle, FieldSpace fspace, RegionTreeID tid) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_subregion_by_tree(IndexSpace handle, FieldSpace fspace, RegionTreeID tid) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_logical_subregion_by_tree(IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > handle, FieldSpace space, RegionTreeID tid) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_mapper(Context ctx, MapperID id, Processor target=Processor::NO_PROC) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_mapper_runtime(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_maximum_dimension(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
get_num_shards(Context ctx, bool I_know_what_I_am_doing=false) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_output_region(Context ctx, unsigned index) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_output_regions(Context ctx, std::vector< OutputRegion > ®ions) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_index_partition(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_index_partition(IndexSpace handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_index_partition(IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_index_space(Context ctx, IndexPartition handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_index_space(IndexPartition handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_index_space(IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_logical_partition(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_logical_partition(LogicalRegion handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_logical_partition(LogicalRegionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_logical_region(Context ctx, LogicalPartition handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_logical_region(LogicalPartition handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_parent_logical_region(LogicalPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_predicate_future(Context ctx, const Predicate &p, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_projection_functor(ProjectionID pid) | Legion::Runtime | static |
get_reduction_op(ReductionOpID redop_id) | Legion::Runtime | static |
get_runtime(Processor p=Processor::NO_PROC) | Legion::Runtime | static |
get_serdez_op(CustomSerdezID serdez_id) | Legion::Runtime | static |
get_shard_id(Context ctx, bool I_know_what_I_am_doing=false) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_sharding_functor(ShardingID sid) | Legion::Runtime | static |
get_tunable_value(Context ctx, TunableID tid, MapperID mapper=0, MappingTagID tag=0) | Legion::Runtime | |
get_zero_time(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
has_context(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
has_index_partition(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, Color color) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_index_partition(Context ctx, IndexSpace parent, const DomainPoint &color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_index_partition(IndexSpace parent, Color color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_index_partition(IndexSpace parent, const DomainPoint &color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_index_partition(IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Color color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_index_subspace(Context ctx, IndexPartition p, const DomainPoint &color) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_index_subspace(IndexPartition p, const DomainPoint &color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_index_subspace(IndexPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > p, Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_logical_partition_by_color(Context ctx, LogicalRegion parent, const DomainPoint &c) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_logical_partition_by_color(LogicalRegion parent, const DomainPoint &c) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_logical_subregion_by_color(Context ctx, LogicalPartition parent, const DomainPoint &c) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_logical_subregion_by_color(LogicalPartition parent, const DomainPoint &c) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_logical_subregion_by_color(LogicalPartitionT< DIM, COORD_T > parent, Point< COLOR_DIM, COLOR_COORD_T > color) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_multiple_domains(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_multiple_domains(IndexSpace handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_parent_index_partition(Context ctx, IndexSpace handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_parent_index_partition(IndexSpace handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_parent_logical_partition(Context ctx, LogicalRegion handle) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_parent_logical_partition(LogicalRegion handle) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
has_runtime(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
initialize(int *argc, char ***argv, bool filter=false, bool parse=true) | Legion::Runtime | static |
intersect_index_spaces(Context ctx, const std::vector< IndexSpace > &spaces, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
intersect_index_spaces(Context ctx, const std::vector< IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > > &spaces, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
is_index_partition_complete(Context ctx, IndexPartition p) | Legion::Runtime | |
is_index_partition_complete(IndexPartition p) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
is_index_partition_disjoint(Context ctx, IndexPartition p) | Legion::Runtime | |
is_index_partition_disjoint(IndexPartition p) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
is_MPI_interop_configured(void) | Legion::Runtime | |
issue_acquire(Context ctx, const AcquireLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
issue_copy_operation(Context ctx, const CopyLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
issue_copy_operation(Context ctx, const IndexCopyLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
issue_execution_fence(Context ctx, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
issue_mapping_fence(Context ctx, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
issue_release(Context ctx, const ReleaseLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
issue_timing_measurement(Context ctx, const TimingLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
launch_top_level_task(const TaskLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
legion_task_postamble(Context ctx, const void *retvalptr=NULL, size_t retvalsize=0, bool owned=false, Realm::RegionInstance inst=Realm::RegionInstance::NO_INST, const void *metadataptr=NULL, size_t metadatasize=0) | Legion::Runtime | static |
legion_task_postamble(Context ctx, const void *retvalptr, size_t retvalsize, bool owned, const Realm::ExternalInstanceResource &allocation, void(*freefunc)(const Realm::ExternalInstanceResource &)=NULL, const void *metadataptr=NULL, size_t metadatasize=0) | Legion::Runtime | static |
legion_task_postamble(Context ctx, FutureFunctor *callback_functor, bool owned=false) | Legion::Runtime | static |
legion_task_preamble(const void *data, size_t datalen, Processor p, const Task *&task, const std::vector< PhysicalRegion > *®, Context &ctx, Runtime *&runtime) | Legion::Runtime | static |
log_once(Context ctx, Realm::LoggerMessage &message) | Legion::Runtime | |
map_region(Context ctx, const InlineLauncher &launcher) | Legion::Runtime | |
map_region(Context ctx, const RegionRequirement &req, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
map_region(Context ctx, unsigned idx, MapperID id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
perform_registration_callback(RegistrationCallbackFnptr callback, bool global, bool deduplicate=true, size_t dedup_tag=0) | Legion::Runtime | static |
perform_registration_callback(RegistrationWithArgsCallbackFnptr callback, const UntypedBuffer &buffer, bool global, bool deduplicate=true, size_t dedup_tag=0) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | static |
PointTransformFnptr typedef | Legion::Runtime | |
predicate_and(Context ctx, const Predicate &p1, const Predicate &p2, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
predicate_not(Context ctx, const Predicate &p, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
predicate_or(Context ctx, const Predicate &p1, const Predicate &p2, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
preregister_layout(const LayoutConstraintRegistrar ®istrar, LayoutConstraintID layout_id=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID) | Legion::Runtime | static |
preregister_projection_functor(ProjectionID pid, ProjectionFunctor *functor) | Legion::Runtime | static |
preregister_sharding_functor(ShardingID sid, ShardingFunctor *functor) | Legion::Runtime | static |
preregister_task_variant(const TaskVariantRegistrar ®istrar, const char *task_name=NULL, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID) | Legion::Runtime | static |
preregister_task_variant(const TaskVariantRegistrar ®istrar, const UDT &user_data, const char *task_name=NULL, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID) | Legion::Runtime | static |
preregister_task_variant(const TaskVariantRegistrar ®istrar, const char *task_name=NULL, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID) | Legion::Runtime | static |
preregister_task_variant(const TaskVariantRegistrar ®istrar, const UDT &user_data, const char *task_name=NULL, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID) | Legion::Runtime | static |
preregister_task_variant(const TaskVariantRegistrar ®istrar, const CodeDescriptor &codedesc, const void *user_data=NULL, size_t user_len=0, const char *task_name=NULL, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, size_t return_type_size=LEGION_MAX_RETURN_SIZE, bool has_return_type_size=true, bool check_task_id=true) | Legion::Runtime | static |
print_once(Context ctx, FILE *f, const char *message) | Legion::Runtime | |
progress_unordered_operations(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
query_available_memory(Context ctx, Memory target) | Legion::Runtime | |
raise_region_exception(Context ctx, PhysicalRegion region, bool nuclear) | Legion::Runtime | |
reduce_future_map(Context ctx, const FutureMap &future_map, ReductionOpID redop, bool ordered=true, MapperID map_id=0, MappingTagID tag=0, const char *provenance=NULL, Future initial_value=Future()) | Legion::Runtime | |
register_custom_serdez_op(CustomSerdezID serdez_id, bool permit_duplicates=false) | Legion::Runtime | static |
register_custom_serdez_op(CustomSerdezID serdez_id, SerdezOp *serdez_op, bool permit_duplicates=false) | Legion::Runtime | static |
register_layout(const LayoutConstraintRegistrar ®istrar) | Legion::Runtime | |
register_legion_task(TaskID id, Processor::Kind proc_kind, bool single, bool index, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, TaskConfigOptions options=TaskConfigOptions(), const char *task_name=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | static |
register_legion_task(TaskID id, Processor::Kind proc_kind, bool single, bool index, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, TaskConfigOptions options=TaskConfigOptions(), const char *task_name=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | static |
register_legion_task(TaskID id, Processor::Kind proc_kind, bool single, bool index, const UDT &user_data, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, TaskConfigOptions options=TaskConfigOptions(), const char *task_name=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | static |
register_legion_task(TaskID id, Processor::Kind proc_kind, bool single, bool index, const UDT &user_data, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, TaskConfigOptions options=TaskConfigOptions(), const char *task_name=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | static |
register_partition_function(ProjectionID handle) | Legion::Runtime | static |
register_projection_functor(ProjectionID pid, ProjectionFunctor *functor, bool silence_warnings=false, const char *warning_string=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
register_reduction_op(ReductionOpID redop_id, bool permit_duplicates=false) | Legion::Runtime | static |
register_reduction_op(ReductionOpID redop_id, ReductionOp *op, SerdezInitFnptr init_fnptr=NULL, SerdezFoldFnptr fold_fnptr=NULL, bool permit_duplicates=false) | Legion::Runtime | static |
register_region_function(ProjectionID handle) | Legion::Runtime | static |
register_sharding_functor(ShardingID sid, ShardingFunctor *functor, bool silence_warnings=false, const char *warning_string=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
register_task_variant(const TaskVariantRegistrar ®istrar, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID) | Legion::Runtime | |
register_task_variant(const TaskVariantRegistrar ®istrar, const UDT &user_data, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID) | Legion::Runtime | |
register_task_variant(const TaskVariantRegistrar ®istrar, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID) | Legion::Runtime | |
register_task_variant(const TaskVariantRegistrar ®istrar, const UDT &user_data, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID) | Legion::Runtime | |
register_task_variant(const TaskVariantRegistrar ®istrar, const CodeDescriptor &codedesc, const void *user_data=NULL, size_t user_len=0, size_t return_type_size=LEGION_MAX_RETURN_SIZE, VariantID vid=LEGION_AUTO_GENERATE_ID, bool has_return_type_size=true) | Legion::Runtime | |
release_grant(Context ctx, Grant grant) | Legion::Runtime | |
release_layout(LayoutConstraintID layout_id) | Legion::Runtime | |
remap_region(Context ctx, PhysicalRegion region, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
replace_default_mapper(Mapping::Mapper *mapper, Processor proc=Processor::NO_PROC) | Legion::Runtime | |
reset_equivalence_sets(Context ctx, LogicalRegion parent, LogicalRegion region, const std::set< FieldID > &fields) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_name(TaskID task_id, const char *&result) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_name(IndexSpace handle, const char *&result) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_name(IndexPartition handle, const char *&result) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_name(FieldSpace handle, const char *&result) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_name(FieldSpace handle, FieldID fid, const char *&result) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_name(LogicalRegion handle, const char *&result) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_name(LogicalPartition handle, const char *&result) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_semantic_information(TaskID task_id, SemanticTag tag, const void *&result, size_t &size, bool can_fail=false, bool wait_until_ready=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_semantic_information(IndexSpace handle, SemanticTag tag, const void *&result, size_t &size, bool can_fail=false, bool wait_until_ready=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_semantic_information(IndexPartition handle, SemanticTag tag, const void *&result, size_t &size, bool can_fail=false, bool wait_until_ready=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_semantic_information(FieldSpace handle, SemanticTag tag, const void *&result, size_t &size, bool can_fail=false, bool wait_until_ready=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_semantic_information(FieldSpace handle, FieldID fid, SemanticTag tag, const void *&result, size_t &size, bool can_fail=false, bool wait_until_ready=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_semantic_information(LogicalRegion handle, SemanticTag tag, const void *&result, size_t &size, bool can_fail=false, bool wait_until_ready=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
retrieve_semantic_information(LogicalPartition handle, SemanticTag tag, const void *&result, size_t &size, bool can_fail=false, bool wait_until_ready=false) | Legion::Runtime | |
Runtime(Internal::Runtime *rt) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | protected |
safe_cast(Context ctx, DomainPoint point, LogicalRegion region) | Legion::Runtime | |
safe_cast(Context ctx, Point< DIM, COORD_T > point, LogicalRegionT< DIM, COORD_T > region) | Legion::Runtime | |
select_tunable_value(Context ctx, TunableID tid, MapperID mapper=0, MappingTagID tag=0, const void *args=NULL, size_t argsize=0) | Legion::Runtime | |
select_tunable_value(Context ctx, const TunableLauncher &launcher) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
set_local_task_variable(Context ctx, LocalVariableID id, const T *value, void(*destructor)(void *)=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
set_local_task_variable_untyped(Context ctx, LocalVariableID id, const void *value, void(*destructor)(void *)=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
set_registration_callback(RegistrationCallbackFnptr callback) | Legion::Runtime | static |
set_return_code(int return_code) | Legion::Runtime | static |
set_top_level_task_id(TaskID top_id) | Legion::Runtime | static |
set_top_level_task_mapper_id(MapperID mapper_id) | Legion::Runtime | static |
start(int argc, char **argv, bool background=false, bool supply_default_mapper=true, bool filter=false) | Legion::Runtime | static |
start_profiling_range(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
stop_profiling_range(Context ctx, const char *provenance) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
subtract_index_spaces(Context ctx, IndexSpace left, IndexSpace right, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
subtract_index_spaces(Context ctx, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > left, IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > right, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
transform_future_map(Context ctx, const FutureMap &fm, IndexSpace new_domain, PointTransformFnptr fnptr, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
transform_future_map(Context ctx, const FutureMap &fm, IndexSpace new_domain, PointTransformFunctor *functor, bool take_ownership=false, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
unbind_implicit_task_from_external_thread(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
union_index_spaces(Context ctx, const std::vector< IndexSpace > &spaces, const char *provenance=NULL) | Legion::Runtime | |
union_index_spaces(Context ctx, const std::vector< IndexSpaceT< DIM, COORD_T > > &spaces, const char *provenance=NULL) (defined in Legion::Runtime) | Legion::Runtime | |
unmap_all_regions(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime | |
unmap_region(Context ctx, PhysicalRegion region) | Legion::Runtime | |
wait_for_shutdown(void) | Legion::Runtime | static |
yield(Context ctx) | Legion::Runtime |